Adem Olovčić
Occupation: Assistant lecturer, in the field of Philosophy, Sociology and international relations
Place of employment: International Burch University, Sarajevo
Areas of interest: sociology, political philosophy, inter-religious dialogue, interculturalism
Taking into account the fact that I am a lecturer in the field of philosophy, sociology, religion and politics in a comparative perspective, but also international relations, I see EMIL programme as a great opportunity to apply already acquired knowledge at the level of interculturalism and inter-religious dialogue and to apply my competencies, through teacher workshops and training in schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Ahmed Omerović
Occupation: Professor of Democracy and Human Rights
Place of employment: Behram-beg madrasa in Tuzla
Areas of interest: political systems, international relations, society, interculturalism
Considering that people have different identities, through the Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue EMIL programme, we learn how to progress and do well, although there are differences between us.
Almedina Imširović
Occupation: graduate psychologist and school counsellor
Place of employment: “Meša Selimović” Gymnasium in Tuzla and Živinice Gymnasium
Areas of interest: psychology, education, interreligious dialogue
EMIL programme offers experience-based learning for intercultural competencies, encourages self-criticism and self-evaluation, and provides insight into other cultures, traditions, religions and different worldviews.
Amela Petričević
Occupation: Primary classroom teacher, graduate economist
Place of employment: Public Institution “Husino”, Primary School in Tuzla
Areas of interest: education, human rights, management, humanism, peacekeeping activities
EMIL programme is very important to me because it develops intercultural competencies that allow me as a person and as a teacher to be aware at all times of beliefs and values specific to different cultures, to be open and curious to get to know them, ready for interreligious dialogue and struggle against all violent behaviours, prejudices, stereotypes and discrimination.
Amer Sofradžija
Occupation: Professor of Sociology, AS / A level Sociology, Global Perspectives & Research; Democracy and human rights
Place of employment: First Bosniak High School / Cambridge International School, Sarajevo
Areas of interest: society, politics, secularism, multiculturalism, film.
EMIL programme offers a new and different approach to the study and implementation of teaching competencies in the fields of culture, religion, dialogue, inter- and multiculturalism. It is an excellent opportunity to review and change our own internalized attitudes in these areas, which are essential for the survival of Bosnian society. At the moment, I see nothing more important in education reform than implementing the topics covered by this programme.
Armin Hubijar
Occupation: Professor of Sociology
Areas of interest: globalization, Islamic economics, interreligious dialogue, sociology of religion
God divided us into tribes and nations to recognize and get to know one another. The task of EMIL programme is to establish an intercultural dialogue. Diversity enriches and broadens our identities, so EMIL programme is a great opportunity for those who are eager to establish interreligious dialogue in society.
Dragana Kartal
Occupation: Professor of Philosophy and Sociology, Civic Education / Democracy and Human Rights
Place of employment: “Nedžad Ibrišimović ” Secondary school in Ilijaš and Fifth Gymnasium in Sarajevo
Areas of interest: Human rights, sociology, political philosophy, interreligious dialogue, interculturalism
There is no content related to intercultural and interreligious learning in B&H curricula. Students cannot develop intercultural and interreligious competencies without this programme. In my opinion, this curriculum content separates students, instead of directing them towards tolerance and interculturalism.
Duška Tarade
Occupation: graduate psychologist and school counsellor
Place of employment: Public Institution Secondary Medical School Tuzla in Tuzla
Areas of interest: psychology, pedagogy, sociology, communication, humanism
Because I work in a school with a large number of students of different ethnic origin, religion and nationality, this programme offers me a more comprehensive knowledge of different approaches in work with the diversity I encounter daily. Also, as an educator, it is my duty to teach my students an awareness, understanding and tolerance for other cultures, as well as respect for their own culture. In order to achieve this, I also need to constantly improve my competencies in this field and EMIL programme offers me all that.
Elmana Cerić
Occupation: Professor of Philosophy and Logic and Theory of Cognition
Place of employment: Second Gymnasium Sarajevo
Areas of interest: philosophy, art, cultural anthropology, postmodernism
As EMIL programme promotes a return to basic humanistic values and their affirmation through the education system, I believe that my duty as a teacher obliges me to make my humble, personal contribution to creating a decent, more humane and beautiful place for everyone to live. The most effective way to do this is to encourage young people to become aware and empower themselves with civic activism and to make them sensitive to the problems of others and diversity.
Emilija Pavićević
Occupation: Professor of the Croatian language and literature and Latin language and Roman literature
Place of employment: Catholic School Centre “St. Joseph” in Sarajevo
Areas of interest: art (literature, film, theatre), interreligious dialogue, peacebuilding
EMIL programme is one of the few programmes that cherishes fundamental, humane values. It also encourages people to create a better society. Interculturalism and interreligious dialogue are segments worth exploring in B&H society.
Haris Balić
Occupation: Professor of Philosophy, Sociology and Logic
Place of employment: ” Zijah Dizdarević ” Secondary School, Fojnica
Areas of interest: culinary and art
EMIL programme offers me the opportunity to gain knowledge, meet new people, and exchange views on current topics.
Mehmed Delić
Occupation: Professor of Philosophy, Logic, Democracy and Human Rights, Latin
Place of employment: Jablanica Secondary School
Areas of interest: art, culture, philosophy, humanitarian work, politics
Because I’ve always considered myself a cosmopolitan, EMIL programme helps me get to know other people and their cultures and lifestyles. Knowing other cultures fulfils my personality.
Sanita Verem
Occupation: Professor of Philosophy and Sociology
Place of employment:“Travnik“ Secondary School and “Vitez“ Secondary School
Areas of interest: philosophy, sociology, culture, art, philosophy of nonviolence in the educational process
Equality is a very important segment in modern society, especially if we want to have a society of justice. A society of justice is actually something that is desired, and it will enable us to reach our full potential. I have learned that diversity is value and that being open to the other and different is the only possible way to progress and to have a better future, especially in the education domain, but also for all other aspects of human life due to the ideas that TPO Foundation promotes through EMIL programme, and one of them is equality. Through EMIL programme, I have learned to critically re-examine my attitudes regarding stereotypes, racism and other forms of unfair treatment of others. All of the above reflects in many ways on my work at school, in particular, it helped me to spot and eliminate the unrighteous relations, which makes me very happy and proud.
Sevla Krivić
Occupation: Professor of Philosophy and Sociology
Place of employment: Public Institution “Secondary School” Konjic
Areas of interest: philosophy, ethics, humanism
For me, this programme is significant because it has allowed me to gain new knowledge, experiences, and skills and get to know people of different cultural backgrounds.