Declaration toward a global ethic

The Declaration Toward a Global Ethic was initiated and created by Hans Küng, but it was further developed intensively through a process of consultation with scientists and theologians belonging to different world religions. The Parliament of World’s Religions endorsed the Declaration Toward a Global Ethic on the gathering on September 4, 1993 in Chicago, where more than 6.500 people – members of different minor and major religious communities – participated. More than 200 leaders from 40+ different faith traditions and spiritual communities signed the above mentioned Declaration. Dalai Lama was the first to sign the Declaration Toward a Global Ethic.

The members of all world religions and spiritual communities have for the first time achieved a joint consensus about key elements of a common ethic and in that way they have adopted: basic principles and requests of a Global Ethic as well as four essential affirmations.

A Global Ethic concept remains on two pillars:

  • The Principle of Humanity: Every human being must be treated humanely.
  • The Ethic of Reciprocity or the “Golden Rule”: What you wish done to yourself, do to others!

Four essential affirmations of a Global Ethic are:

  1. Commitment to a culture of non-violence and respect for life
  2. Commitment to a culture of solidarity and a just economic order
  3. Commitment to a culture of tolerance and a life of truthfulness

Commitment to a culture of equal rights and partnership between men and women.

 – Towards a Global Ethic An Initial Declaration