Two Day Ethos Balkan Seminar: Module 2 – For a Change, It Is Important to Get to Know Others

On November 7 and 8, 2020, the TPO Foundation held the second module of the Ethos Balkan seminar. The seminar was attended by teachers from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and Croatia. The aim of this training is to sensitize the teaching staff from these four countries on the topics of world ethos and issues of ethics, tolerance, openness and solidarity among teachers and students. The coaches who educate the teaching staff were Izet Numanović, Alen Kristić, Sedžida Hadžić, Amela Petričević and Miroslav Bagara. Considering the current situation, the seminar was held in an online format.

This time, the teachers pointed out the issue of the secular and religious, building bridges between the different, and sensitizing the entire teaching process on these topics. Participants highlighted some of the following views:

People who do not believe are often more tolerant than believers.

Migrants are mostly condemned by the greatest believers.

There are often phobias, nationalisms and hate speech behind religion.

Atheists are often well behaved, and believers unjust and veiled in their world.

A man can be good even though he is not a believer.

Religious people often refuse dialogue, perhaps because religion is a dogma and it does not allow questioning.

At the end of the two-day questioning of ideas and issues in the education system and the golden rules in philosophy and religions, everyone agreed that for a change, it is important to get to know others.