<strong>First seminar ‘Global Ethic at School’ </strong>within the project <strong>’Global Ethic at School: Integration of Global Ethic into Educational Structures and Processes in Bosnia and Herzegovina'</strong> was held on <strong>May 6. and 7. 2017 </strong>in <strong>Zenica</strong> (hotel ‘<strong>Zenica'</strong>) for Zenica-Doboj Canton. The <strong>TPO Foundation</strong> team from Sarajevo-<strong>Alen Kristić and Monja Šuta-Hibert </strong>presented the project of global ethic to the teachers and its importance in promotion and living of universal values.

<strong>’Global Ethic at School: Integration of Global Ethic into Educational Structures and Processes in Bosnia and Herzegovina'</strong> is one of the TPO Foundation Sarajevo projects by which the learning about ethical values in B&H educational system is trying to be integrated. In line with this “Global Ethic at School” seminar was held on May 6. and 7, 2017 in Zenica. Teachers from various fields had an opportunity to find out more about the term and concept of the global ethic and significance of ethical values learning. The very project is based on the ethical and interreligious dimension.

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On this occasion online platform <a href=’/’><strong></strong></a> was presented and it comprises of all contents and tools relevant for the integration of ethic and its long term influence. During the seminar the attention was focused on following thematic units: <strong>culture of non-violence and respect of life, solidarity and just economical order, tolerance and veracity, equal rights and partnership of men and women. </strong>