Department of Cultural Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zenica and in the academic year 2021/2022. continues successful cooperation with partners from the TPO Foundation in Sarajevo. Students of all years of study (18 in total) participated in the first debate workshop conceived as a space for free exchange of views on topics directly related to youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The topic of Socrates’ first cafes was Is dialogue possible among dissidents ?, and the facilitator of an interesting discussion was out. prof.dr. Esad Delibašić. Participants tried to answer some of the questions: why is dialogue important to us today ?; do we have to respect any different opinion ?; are we ready to change our minds in the face of the force of arguments ?; is a dialogue of like-minded people or a dialogue of like-minded people more important ?; Is dialogue possible if we are not ready to “hear” the interlocutor in advance?

Participants in the dialogue stated that we live in a society of monologues, that it is necessary to develop the ability to “listen” to the arguments of interlocutors, that it is important that participants in the conversation assume, as one possibility, that they may be wrong, or that none of the participants he is wrong. It was also stated that the right to dissent should be respected, except in cases of denial of universal human rights and general humanistic values.