Within the program SAPERE BIH, in period from 15th to 16th of February 2021, a two-day training P4C Philosophy for children of the II cycle for teachers working in the high school of Sarajevo Canton was realized. The goal of the SAPERE BIH program is to empower teachers and their competencies in the field of critical thinking as a method of working with students.

Teachers of the Third, Fourth and Fifth Gymnasiums, Dobrinja Gymnasium, Maarif Schools of Sarajevo, Secondary School of Economics, Catholic School Center Gymnasium and Richmond Park College Sarajevo were participants in the second cycle for critical thinking skills improvement. In the first part of the training, which was moderated by Sedžida Hadžić and Melika Šahinović, teachers exchanged their experiences on previous participation in this program and the applied P4C method in their home schools through work with students and fellow teachers. Experiences are diverse and one of the conclusions that most teachers share is the P4C approach improves communication among students and increases their interest in a particular topic. The focus of the two-day training was to understand four types of thinking: critical, creative, collaborative and caring thinking. P4C is based on reflection on questions and concepts, reflexes and argumentation, and it also advocates understanding and development of four basic types of thinking. By understanding these opinions, teachers help students develop thinking skills and build constructive arguments. What is special about the P4C method is the development of active listening techniques, which further encourages young people to change and shape personal opinions, supporting them with additional arguments. By creating a philosophical community, students are encouraged to “think for themselves”, which significantly contributes to their self-confidence and self-esteem, but also to stimulating emotions with which they enrich the community.

The second day was filled with simulations of philosophical inquiries in which teachers developed active conversation techniques on specific topics. Through the roles of facilitators, evaluators, supervisors, and participants of inquiry, training participants had the opportunity to develop skills and understand the different roles in the community of philosophical inquiry. The final training and testing that will be realized at the end of the school year, while the teachers will in meanwhile realize project activities in schools with the support of other teachers and the supervision of the TPO Foundation.