VI training within the ETOS initiative: “Strengthening intercultural and interreligious competencies of teachers”

It is important to put yourslef in someone elses shoes and look at the facts from different point of view. We should take one step back and look at the complete situation and how it affects on society and every indvidual wichc is a part of it- some of the conclusions of sixth training for coaches in frame of ETOS inciative which taken place on 3.,4. and 5. july 2020. in Nabiscupic center Ivan Pavao in Sarajevo in cooperation with TPO fondation and RAND from Croatia.

Coaches Ana and Otto Raffai from Croatia transferred their scientific theory and practice to professors from BiH.

In addition to strengthened intercultural and interreligious competences, participants had the opportunity to learn and practically apply how important it is, in fact, to have the ability to communicate non-violently.

The guest of the training was peace activist Goran Božičević, who talked to those present about the competencies for building peace, which are fundamental life competencies, and their adoption is a long-term contribution to the prevention of violence in society.